News and Information from Around the World for Wednesday, March 15, 2017
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Of Interest by Parker Content
A collection of curated articles from around the internet. Today’s edition includes news and data about poverty and healthcare spending, the Oxford comma, and cow diplomacy. Don’t miss the video link at the end. Watch and you’ll finally learn how to pronounce “gyro” with a little help from Luke Bryan and Jimmy Fallon.

March 15, 2017
Digital Testing Ground
Google is using a 10,000-strong army of independent contractors to flag “offensive or upsetting” content, in order to ensure that queries like “did the Holocaust happen” don’t push…
NEW YORK (AP) – McDonald’s has started testing mobile order-and-pay after acknowledging the ordering process in its restaurants can be “stressful.” The company says it will gather…
Smart Stuff
Scientists have proven the ‘five-second rule’ for food dropped is valid
Food that has been dropped on the floor is usually safe to eat under the so-called “five-second rule”, a scientist has said. Germ expert Professor Anthony Hilton, from Aston University,…
Lego didn’t think of Lego tape, but we bet it wishes it did. Instead, the honor goes to Nimuno, a design studio that’s funding the project on Indiegogo. The flexible, cuttable tape comes…
Astronomers have just spotted a star whizzing around a vast black hole at about 2.5 times the distance between Earth and the Moon, and it takes only half an hour to complete one orbit.
The unfortunate fact is that much of science reporting is a morass of ideologically driven junk science, hyped research, or thick, technical jargon that almost no one can understand. So…
A Maine court ruling in a case about overtime pay and dairy delivery didn’t come down to trucks, milk, or money. Instead, it hinged on one missing comma. Delivery drivers for local milk…
US News
A Patriot missile – usually priced at about $3m (£2.5m) – was used to shoot down a small quadcopter drone, according to a US general. The strike was made by a US ally, Gen David Perkins…
Texans receive notice their property will be seized for Trump’s Border Wall
It doesn’t take a lifelong Texan to know that landowners in Texas are sensitive about their property rights. Trump’s border wall is about to change that. As the Texas Observer recently…
Two former Donald Trump staffers have come under fire for offering to sell protection from “tweet risk” – their term for what happens when the American president says bad things about…
PORTLAND, Ore. — Masked anarchists are taking the city’s pothole problems into their own hands. “I appreciate the effort,” said Eric Hollstein. Hollstein lives on Southeast Salmon and…
WASHINGTON – Two months into the Trump administration, the top jobs at the Department of Defense remain largely empty. But supporters of Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis are quietly…
In about 9 weeks, the future of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) may be decided at the hands of the D.C. Circuit Court. For many consumers, especially those without a lot of…
Around the World
Employees from all five of Canada’s big banks have flooded Go Public with stories of how they feel pressured to upsell, trick and even lie to customers to meet unrealistic sales targets…
Posted: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 8:08 AM EDT Updated: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 8:31 AM EDT DOUGLAS, Wyo. (AP) – Two Kentucky men who appeared on a cable television hunting show have been…
Istanbul (AFP) – Turkey’s red meat association has ordered a consignment of prize Dutch cattle to be sent back to the Netherlands, saying it no longer wants to farm the cows due to the…
Pakistan has begun its first national census in 19 years amid tight security from around 200,000 military personnel. A 70-day data gathering operation, starting in 63 districts and…
Lorry drivers moving goods in Western Europe for Ikea and other retailers are living out of their cabs for months at a time, a BBC investigation has found. Some drivers – brought over from…
March 15 (UPI) — Venezuela’s government has threatened to seize control of bakeries that fail to implement regulations to combat bread shortages. President Nicolas Maduro said the…
David Mullings was always a self-starter. Born in Jamaica, he moved to Florida to go to university, and founded his first company – a digital media firm that helped Caribbean content find a…
In a major win for free speech and police accountability, a Massachusetts federal court has ruled in favor of two ACLU clients who seek to exercise their constitutional right to record the…
click to enlarge An ordinance in Maplewood that effectively exiles households that have drawn two or more police calls – even if they’re victims of crime rather than perpetrators – has…
“Found a bunch of old scripts from some of my first years trying to be an actor,” Penn wrote before sharing pieces of scripts in a series of tweets. “They were awful. ‘Can you make his…
Data and Details
Following the massive interest surrounding the inauguration of the 45th POTUS on January 20, 2017, the top 100 Media Publications ranking saw a dip of 18% in total pageviews in February of…
Google calculates the amount of sunlight on your roof based on “3D modeling of your roof and nearby trees,” weather patterns, the position of the sun in the sky during the year and shade…
Mathematical theorem finds Gerrymandering in PA congressional district maps
Pennsylvania’s congressional district maps are almost certainly the result of gerrymandering according to an analysis based on a new mathematical theorem on bias in Markov Chains developed…
Who Uses FOIA? – An Analysis of 229,000 Requests to 85 Government Agencies
When the Freedom of Information Act was enacted in 1966, it was envisioned as a tool for journalists to facilitate government oversight and accountability. Although the FOIA is still…
Is Dependency on Welfare Out of Control?
Of the 3.7 trillion dollars the U.S. government spent that year, the largest expenditures were Social Security (24 percent), healthcare (25 percent), and defense and security (16 percent), according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (a nonpartisan research and policy institute).
Economic Impact on Real People
Is Immigration Bad For The Economy? H-1B Visas Lower Tech Sector Costs
The H-1B visa program, often used to compensate for shortages of skilled workers in the tech industry, may bring down the wages of engineers, mathematicians and other specialty employees in…
Poverty across Wisconsin reaches highest level in 30 years
Poverty in Wisconsin hit its highest level in 30 years during the five-year period ending in 2014, even as the nation’s economy was recovering from the Great Recession, according to a trend analysis of U.S. census data just released by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers.
‘Glass House’ and ‘Lower Ed’: New profits come at the expense of the working class
Capitalism won. In the modern age it has proven to be the most dynamic and sustainable economic and political system around. Even the Chinese are flirting with it now. The United States as…
Reddit Asks
Hi everyone! I’m part of a startup looking to offer made to measure suits and blazers for women. I’d love to connect with any factories in…
Is there a tool or service available where team members (say the members of multiple bands at various gigs in one night) can take photos, videos…
The official music video for Luke Bryan and Jimmy Fallon’s song “I Don’t Know How to Pronounce Gyro.” Full lyrics below: LYRICS I was born in southwest Georgia, Always tried to make my…
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